Research & Specification and
Technical Quality Control
Committee Meetings
Friday, March 28th at 10 a.m.
800 SW Jackson St. Basement Conference Room
Topeka, KS
Chairman Kelly Briggs has scheduled a meeting of the KAPA Research & Specifications (R&S) Committee in conjunction with Vice Chairman Matt Eichman of the Technical Quality Control (TQC) Committee for the first meeting of the year. The R&S and TQC Committees will meet jointly in the morning at 10:00 a.m. with KDOT. After lunch the committees will then conduct business as normal. All members are welcome to attend the committee meetings.
R&S/TQC Committee Meeting Agenda
KDOT Session Meeting (10:00 AM)
1) Work Zone Awareness Campaign Group Photo
2) PQL List
3) Part V Specifications
4) D-Cracking Phase 2 Update
5) Standardized Submittals
6) Winter Seminars Review
7) Other
8) Recess
-Lunch On Your Own-
Producers Session Meeting (1:00 PM)
9) Review Anti-Trust Statement
10) Review and Approval of Minutes
a. Research & Specification
b. Technical Quality Control
11) TQC Chairman Vacancy Update
12) D-Cracking Discussion/Update
13) Other Business
14) Adjournment
Please RSVP. Registration is available online or by phone at (785) 235-1188 or by email to aschuster@kapa-krmca.org.
If you have any questions or items which you would like placed on the agenda, please contact Amanda at (785) 235-1188.