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Kansas Aggregate Producers Association


Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association

KAPA Research & Specifications Committee Meeting

  • March 11, 2013
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Assn. Office Building, First Floor Conference Room, 800 SW Jackson St., Topeka, KS


Registration is closed

The KAPA Research & Specifications Committee will hold its quarterly committee meeting  on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in the first floor conference room located at 800 SW Jackson St., Topeka, KS.  The major topic of discussion will be implementation of the new KDOT Special Provisions.

The KRMCA TQC committee will be meeting at 10:00 a.m. if you are interested in attending that meeting as well. Lunch is on your own.

R&S Meeting notice

TQC meeting notice

Research & Specifications Committee - This committee works closely with KDOT and other industry related associations to address issues of mutual concern.  Meets quarterly with KDOT representatives to discuss issues.

Chairman:  Frank Rockers, Penny’s Aggregates, Shawnee Mission, KS  (913) 441-8781

Committee Charges:

  •  Maintain an active dialog with KDOT and others concerning the design, specification and use of aggregates and other related highway materials.
  • Maintain active dialog with KDOT and others concerning supply and availability of materials by rail or truck, which may affect the industry.
  • Plan and produce committee presentations at the annual meeting.
  • Plan and produce an aggregate base symposium when necessary.
  • Other items concerning aggregate research or specification as they may appear.
  • Maintain active dialog with KDOT on soundness & freeze thaw testing.
  • Maintain active dialog with KDOT on D Cracking study.
  • Partner with the Technical, Quality & Control committee on issues as they arise.

If you have any questions or items which you would like placed on the agenda, please contact Wendy at (785) 235-1188.

Copyright 2019 KAPA-KRMCA. All rights reserved.

800 SW Jackson St., Suite 1408
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: (785) 235-1188 | Fax: (785) 235-2544 
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